Kittrell Appraisals - Leaders in Sawmill Appraisals
Setting The Standard In The Forest Products Industry Since 1956!

Edmiston Circular Sawmill


Edmiston 48” (4) HB circular sawmill, tong dog, includes chain type log turner, 30 HP hydraulics for carriage & turner, mill cuts up to 24’, includes husk frame w/ top saw, 15’ slab dump conveyor, Tyrone 150 HP shot gun carriage drive (only 4 years old!) w/ Z-Set setworks or can use standard Edmiston setworks, . Seller will remove. (ref #181) Call Amy for more information (928) 723-9449

Price: $75,000

Manufacturer: Edmiston


Location: Ellijay, GA

For more information about this item, give us a Call: (931) 797-6284

(931) 797-6284

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